The popular triad is that of Karim lala, Haji Mastan and Vardrajan Mudaliar. One belonging to the pathan community. The other one a south Indian muslim popularized in hindi cinema as Mumbaikar muslim. The third, a proper south Indian. I am not going to write anything that is already written in books and out there for you to read. I am going to write what hasn't been written before. Then, you might wonder how do I know about it. That's because the story has been told all over the internet on videos by either journalists or press reporters. So out of these three, only Karim lala and Vardrajan Mudaliar were strong men. Haji Mastan is often romanticized as being a soft spoken bureaucrat kind of person who talked his way out of things.

          Inface there are many articles and may be a book or so that say that he never owned a gun. I find it hard to believe it though. Zaidi saab however does mention that he did get into a brawl initially in Mumbai to rid himself of extortionists while working as a coolie at the Mumbai docks. The violent ones often portrayed are Karim Lala and Varda bhai as was Vardarajan Mudaliar called with love. Both used brute and force to control their respective territories in Mumbai. I guess violence and force is not much in the south Indian blood. Perhaps, violence and crime together aren't feasible to south Indians. That's why Mudaliar had no descendants who took over his reigns. Infact, as far as I know there were very less relatives of his involved with him. His gang ended after him. This was unlike the Pathan gang.

Haji Mastan pic I took from as you can see in the pic itself.

Lala's relatives took over the gang while he was alive. They also bought it to an end while Lala was alive. This I guess is typical of Pathans as violence and bloodshed came natural to them than operating a criminal organization in secrecy; that, that could last for a long time.

                                                            Abdul Karim Sher Khan Karim Lala

                                                                                      Mastan and Lala

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